Abstract from
Blockchains, Network
Fees and Wallets

Spatium simplifies Web3 experience and unlocks blockchain usability with MPC-driven abstraction
📱 Wallet & WaaS
🔐 MPC System
📉 Feeless TRXs
🤝 P2P Swaps
⚡️ Cross-Chain Bundler

Blockchain Solutions are Limited

The fragmented user experience in Web3, caused by the lack of seamless cross-chain
mechanics, volatile gas fees in native tokens, and the need to manage multiple wallets,
slows adoption and makes interactions complex and costly.

Volatile Fees in Native Tokens

Volatile and high gas fees in native chain token make blockchain inconvenient and expensive, deterring users from frequent use

Complex Wallet Management

Managing multiple private keys and wallets is cumbersome and prone to user error, creating barriers to blockchain adoption

Fragmented Ecosystem

The lack of a unified interface and seamless interaction between different blockchains complicates UX and limits functionality


A Powerful Wallet
Unifying all Chains

Pioneering MPC since 2017, today we are bringing abstraction to blockchain, network fee and wallet levels, solving the problems to enhance usability, security, and efficiency.
Spatium sets the bar as the most powerful multi-chain wallet promoting blockchain abstraction.

Unlock the Future with Spatium
Groundbreaking Features

Free Wallet & WaaS

Feeless Wallet App

Spatium sets that bar as the most powerful multi-chain wallet in the market which scales Bitcoin on L1 with MPC. At the same time, Spatium wallet provides unmatched ease of use. We have combined a set of unique features which enable the earning on crypto in a UX-friendly manner.
📱 Easy Onboarding
Brc-20 & Ordinals
🤝 P2P Swaps
⚡ Easy Cross-Chain
📉 Reduced TRX Fees
🤑 Staking
The wallet can be used by businesses to onboard customers to Web3 through Spatium WaaS
Fee Abstraction

Less Network Fees
in Currency you Send

Users can now pay fee in any currency even on other blockchain.Transactions from different users are sent and mined jointly significantly reducing the final fee. Intent-centric design.
  • No more hussle in finding native coin to pay blockchain fee for sending transaction
  • User pays in currency they send
  • Works with any blockchain
  • Up to 30% fee reduction
P2P Swaps & Chain Abstraction

Cheap and Secure 
Cross-Chain P2P Swaps

Enjoy cheapest ever cross-chain P2P swaps guaranteed by MPC.

  • Perform P2P swaps in just two simple transactions from one user to another
  • Lower fees cannot be imagined since no escrow is involved
  • Lower fees than with DEX
  • Safer than with CEX
  • Security of the deal and your assets guaranteed by Spatium MPC
  • Spatium does not take fee for P2P swaps
  • Smooth entry to Bitcoin from any blockchain
2x lower fees + up to 30% less when using feeless
Coming Soon

Up to 15% Passive APY
on your Holdings

By staking SPTM users empower operation of Spatium and share revenue from its operation.
  • $10 000 in fees - revenue Spatium generated from feeless & P2P swap fees within 1 block
  • 1 050 000 SPTM staked - amount of tokens users is staking which is 0.5% of total token supply
  • Result: $50 earned - Amount earned in 1 block

Goal is Set by the User – Execution is on Spatium

User states his goal and leaves the ‘how’ up to the Spatium. Instead of step-by-step processes with blockchain transactions – execution of desired outcome.
Complex blockchain transactions are made through Spatium
and third party integrations being executed by MPC System

Highest Security
Based on Zero Trust

Spatium replaces the Private Key with independently generated shards which together sign the transaction.
User always retain control and transactions are initiated based on his intent. Spatium acts as security guarantor and enables unique features making crypto simple.
By using MPC Spatium is also able to enhance Maximum Extraction Value (MEV) protection.

Unlocking Blockchain
Usability with MPC-
Driven Abstraction

Phase 1

  • MPC powered crypto wallet on iOS and Android
  • Easy login with Google & Apple
  • MPC P2P cross-chain swaps (crypto-crypto), no escrow and with lowest fees - closed beta
  • Remove gas friction with Fee Abstraction
  • Farming & gaming mechanics

Phase 2

  • P2P swaps: public version, AML & wallet rankings available, enhanced security
  • Telegram mini-app
  • Referral program
  • Open source (Phases 1-2)

Phase 3

  • P2P swaps: fiat-crypto swaps; Spatium commission for swaps
  • P2P swaps & Feeless available in Spatium WaaS
  • Intents instead of transaction
  • Audits passed

Phase 4

  • Desktop version, browser extension
  • Staking available
  • Legacy transfer
  • Web3 firewall
  • Open source (Phases 3-4)
  • Audits passed

Contact us

Would like to partner with us, invest in the bitcoin future, or learn how we achieved network fee reduction - contact us.
  •  Feeless Wallet App
  •  Chain Abstraction
  • Fees Abstraction
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